Garry Lowe

Garry Lowe

Mark Wilton
Garry has been a part of Webb Australia Group since January 1988. He was appointed as a Director of the Company in 1996 and was responsible for establishing the Company’s Victorian operations.

Garry’s professional background emanates in the field of electrical engineering, where his experience in the construction industry covers many disciplines of work ranging from design and documentation to construction supervision. He has worked on projects for military installations, commercial high rise buildings, domestic housing developments, hospitals, hotels, casinos and public domain.

Garry has extensive experience in the field of security where he has been involved in the design of many major high security projects for military establishments, prisons and other government institutions, as well as security systems in commercial buildings, financial institutions and hospitals.

Garry also has extensive experience with specialised lighting, which includes a Masters Degree majoring in lighting design. This includes projects such as the Museum of Sydney, Airport Central Sheraton Hotel, World Trade Centre, Sydney International Athletic and Aquatic Centres, the Sydney Casino Project, the Sydney 2000 Olympics Masterplanning, the Museum of Victoria and many major urban design projects.
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